
Founded in 1981, by H.H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the Art of Living Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) educational and humanitarian organization offering highly effective educational and self-development programs and tools that eliminate stress and foster deep and profound inner peace, happiness, and well-being. These programs include breathing techniques, meditation, yoga, and practical wisdom for daily living.

The Art of Living is present in 152 countries, reaching an estimated 300 million people worldwide with a vision of individual and social stewardship in society

Why Is Sudarshan Kriya The Most Powerful Breathing Technique?

SKY is a powerful rhythmic breathing technique being practiced by over 450 million worldwide. SKY uses specific cyclical, rhythmic patterns of breath to bring the mind and body into a relaxed yet wakeful state. No matter what your state of mind is,  10 minutes of SKY breathing will instantly calm you down.

Cognized by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the practice is concluded with an effortless meditative state where practitioners report clarity of mind, prolonged moments of thoughtlessness, slower and steadier heart rate, and calmness of being.

The benefits of SKY are backed by more than 70 independent and credible studies carried out across four continents and published in peer-reviewed journals. The practice works by reducing stress—a key factor that negatively affects the body’s immune neuro-endocrine axis.

Other Science-Backed Benefits Of SKY

  • Regular practice of Sudarshan Kriya Yoga has a similar effect to an activated vagus nerve, the key to depression treatment.
  • Along with the activation of the “Rest and Digest” (Parasympathetic) Nervous system, this powerful breathing technique can improve Prolactin (well-being hormone) secretion by 50%.
  • It increases time spent in deep sleep by 218% and has alleviated many around the world of depression, anxiety, and stress.
  • Another study showed, with regular practice the blood lactate level reduced by 87.5% (an indicator of deep relaxation) in a group of highly stressed individuals.
  • EEG Alpha waves increase with the practice of the technique showing the relaxed state of mind.
    It brings harmony between the body and mind. Sync between these two is the first basis for a healthy life.
  • 73% response rate and 41% remission rate in patients with anxiety for whom medication and psychotherapy treatments had failed.
  • Multiple studies showed that patients of depression who practiced SKY reported a 68–73% remission rate within a month.
  • Improvement in levels of optimism, well-being and overall quality of life.
  • Improvement in immune cell counts in apparently healthy individuals in as little as three weeks.
  • DNA improvement that supports longer lifespan of WBCs and immunity cells.
  • Reduced heart rate in both healthy and health compromised individuals.
  • Reduction in blood pressure in both healthy and health compromised individuals.
  • Improved cholesterol and triglyceride (lipid) profile as early as three weeks, with no change in diet.
  • Improved respiratory function, where respiration rate dropped by 5% in one week, and 15% in 12 weeks along with increase in lung capacity.

What Does Science Say About Sudarshan Kriya?

Over 100 independent studies globally published in peer review journals have demonstrated benefits from the practice of the Sudarshan Kriya™ and related breathing exercises:

Benefits Of Sahaj Samadhi-Dhyan Program

The mantra meditation which takes one into meditation with a lot of ease is Sahaj. Sahaj means natural or effortless and Samadhi is the state of equanimity. With the help of the personalized mantra the practitioner can easily experience deep meditation.

This technique is a rare combination of simplicity and depth. Though it involves no effort, this ancient and rare meditation technique brings you profound restful awareness, which dissolves deep-rooted stresses and gives you clearer thinking, more energy, enhanced performance, better physical and mental health, improved relationships, and greater peace of mind, among others.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Meet The Founder & Inspiration

    • “My vision and mission is to see a smile on every individual’s face,” says Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, global humanitarian and spiritual leader.
    • Gurudev has spearheaded an unprecedented worldwide movement for a stress-free, violence-free society. It all began in 1982 when he cognized the Sudarshan Kriya™ after a ten-day silence period. The technique remains a centerpiece of all programs of the Art of Living.
    • Through a myriad of programs, teachings, and social service projects across 156 countries, Gurudev has empowered and transformed the lives of millions. Recognized globally as an impactful mediator, Gurudev has played a pivotal role in restoring peace in several conflict zones. His body of work is a testimony to his vision of a stress-free and violence-free society.